Here is a list of required trainings for new and ongoing volunteers at CLUES. These trainings will give you the skills necessary to be prepared, effective and confident in an adult classroom. 

CLUES' adult education program is reviewed annually by the Saint Paul Community Literacy Consortium. The completion of volunteer teacher trainings is reviewed by SPCLC to ensure compliance with Minnesota Department of Education's requirements. 


Training Timeline: New volunteers must complete New Teacher Orientation, four 2-hour core modules, and two 2-hour targeted trainings as soon as possible after confirming their volunteer teaching position with CLUES. 

New Teacher Orientation (NTO): CLUES' adult education coordinators host NTO three times per year before the start of each class term (fall, winter, summer). Topics of the training include volunteer responsibilities, teaching adults, curriculum, etc. The NTO calendar is here. Click here to view the summer 2024 NTO presentation. 

ZoomAll classes are currently on Zoom. For volunteers new to Zoom or who want a refresher, NTO includes training about Zoom basics along with tips and tricks for teaching virtually.  

The below initial trainings are NOT necessary for new volunteers with a teaching license; TEFL/TESL/CELTA certification; a college degree in ESL or Linguistics; and/or >400 hours of documentable instruction (paid or volunteer) within the past 10 years in an adult education program. Ongoing trainings, however, are required for teachers with the aforementioned credentials.

Training Checklist: Use this optional training checklist to organize and track your training completion.

Required Core Training Modules (8 Hours)For new volunteer teachers, the Minnesota Department of Education requires at least 8 hours of foundational training. These must be completed within the first 3 months of volunteering with CLUES. These training hours are divided into four core training modules: 
    • Module 1: Overview of MN Adult Education
    • Module 2: Understanding Adult Learners 
    • Module 3: Instructional Best Practices: Working with Students 
    • Module 4: Instructional Best Practices: Working with Materials
A schedule of live and recorded core training modules can be found on Literacy MN's Volunteer Trainings page or events calendar. After completing the trainings, please email your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the MN Department of Education to your coordinator or AdultEducation@clues.org.

Required Targeted Trainings (4 Hours): For new volunteer teachers, the Minnesota Department of Education requires at least 4 hours of targeted training. These must be completed within the first month of volunteering with CLUES. New volunteers should complete "Remote Tutoring 101" and "Facilitating Positive Learner Experiences during Remote Instruction." Currently, these trainings are provided in two ways:

  • Live Virtual Trainings: A schedule of live virtual trainings can be found on Literacy MN's Volunteer Trainings pageAfter completing the live training, please email your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the MN Department of Education to your coordinator or AdultEducation@clues.org.

  • Video Trainings: If you can't attend a live training, a list of video trainings can be found here.
    • To receive credit for viewing the video, be sure to register for the class and complete the appropriate reflection form
    • Attach the completed reflection form in an email to Meghan Boyle at mboyle@literacymn.org and copy your CLUES coordinator or AdultEducation@clues.org on the email. Once Literacy MN receives your completed form, they will mark you as having attended the webinar and will email you your Continuing Education Units (CEUs).   
  • In-person: Currently unavailable.
Citizenship Teachers Only: Complete the recorded Teaching Citizenship Online training webinar. A live webinar of this training is occasionally offered. Check the events calendar for availability. The Citizenship Tutor Training is also a valuable training tool but is not required. After completing the training(s), please email your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the MN Department of Education to your coordinator or AdultEducation@clues.org.

Computer Teachers Only: Complete the Northstar Digital Literacy Foundations training. A live webinar of Tutoring with Northstar Digital Literacy is occasionally offered. Check the 
events calendar for availability. After completing the training(s), please email your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the MN Department of Education to your coordinator or AdultEducation@clues.org.



Ongoing Training Requirement: ALL volunteers who have taught for more than one year are required to attend 2 hours of training annually. Volunteers can attend trainings offered by Literacy Minnesota or other local programs. In-person, live webinars, and video trainings are acceptable. After completing a training, please email your Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or proof of attendance to your coordinator or AdultEducation@clues.org.

Completed a training related to your volunteer teaching position at CLUES? Let us know or email us your CEUs! We'll add the information to your teacher profile in the MN Department of Education's Adult Basic Education database.